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Youth, Sustainable Communities and Networks

JCSYR - Jóvenes, Comunidades Sostenibles y Redes


"Youth, Sustainable Communities and Networks" is a short project (35 days) that invites 10 young volunteers from the UK, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany to participate in a unique and unrepeatable experience in the eco-village Los Portales, in Andalusia (southern Spain).

Through this project the young people will participate in the organisation and development of the 21st Meeting of the Iberian Eco-village Network (RIE), an annual event that brings together more than 500 people related to the eco-village movement, that will take place in June 2018. It is a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of eco-villages, which are a fascinating model of ecological, economic, social and cultural sustainability.

Tasks for the participants

By participating in the organisation of the event, volunteers will have the opportunity to:

  • Improve their knowledge of sustainability through their experience of living in an eco-village;
  • Develop their leadership capacity, through taking responsibility;
  • Expand their organizational capacity and creativity by organizing activities for young people during the encounter;
  • Learn techniques of bio-construction, creation of temporary structures, household and catering management for large groups;
  • Use social networks to communicate about and promote the event; 
  • Improve team building and conflict resolution skills through facilitation techniques; and
  • Improve their Spanish language skills.

Requirements for the candidates:

  • Age limit between 18 and 30 years
  • Ability to understand and communicate in Spanish in a basic and clear way (A2 level minimum).
  • We expect candidates to show interest in the way of life of eco-villages, and its accompanying values such as cooperation, sustainability, sensitivity to issues of social inclusion and equity, as well as environmental issues. 
  • A desire to bring creativity and a sense of commitment to the organisation of the different aspects of the event will be highly valued.

​Who organises

This project is organized and coordinated by the eco-village Los Portales, founded in 1984 and now one of the oldest in the country. Its extensive experience and stability make it a model for people from all over the world who seek inspiration to create similar projects in their countries of origin. Through this project we hope to plant and grow the seed of sustainability in the young people who participate in it.

Where - When

The project will take place from 31st May to 4th July 2018 in our eco-village Los Portales, in Castilblanco de Los Arroyos, near Sevilla (Spain)

How to apply

Candidates wishing to participate in this project can contact the following organisations in their respective countries:

fecha del evento: 

Thursday, 31 May, 2018 - 08:00 to Wednesday, 4 July, 2018 - 12:00
